Theological Education by Extension in Zambia (TEEZ) was founded in 1979 by 2 denominations. From an initial membership of 2 denominations, TEEZ currently has now grown its membership to 9 Member denominations.

It’s officially registered under the laws of the Government of the Republic of Zambia as a Faith-Based Non-Governmental Organization (FBO) through the Office of the Registrar of Societies in the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security.
The organization is also registered under the USA Federal law as a Ministry Partner of the Global Ministry (501)3 in the State of Indianapolis. This makes it easy for the institution to receive donations under the USA charitable status.

Theological Education by Extension in Zambia (TEEZ) ministry and work is aimed at providing based theological and community development training to Church leaders, pastors and ordinary Church members in order to ‘prepare all God’s people for the work of Christian service’ (Ephesians 4:12).

The institution’s mandate is bringing courses, trainings, and capacity building programs by extension to where people are and within their local context. Our trainings are taken to the grassroots where students are. This makes our courses and training affordable and within their context.
TEEZ is an important tool and program to support the growth of Churches in Zambia as it bridges up the gap that exists due to limited numbers of trained and ordained Pastors/Reverends/Priests and Ministers.

TEEZ takes the school to where people live and serve within their context.