Theological Education by Extension in Zambia (TEEZ) continues to grow and expand its horizon in the way it does its ecumenical ministry work. As we look to the future with hope and determination, we are grateful to all our partners, individual friends of TEEZ, supporters/donors and Churches that continue to partner with us in carrying forward the transformation agenda of TEEZ. Our main plans for the future are in the following areas: 1. Growing our Business Concept of TEAC (Theological Enterprise & Agribusiness Corporation), a five-year plan (2023 to 2027) valued at US$1.3 million, is US$270,000 per year. This will significantly improve our local financial sustainability base and provide job opportunities to the local communities. 2. Construction of Providence TEEZ Lodge Garden Bar valued at US$38,000.
3. Construction of 2 TEEZ Housing Units valued at US$172,000. This will incorporate a new Office Block and Housing Complex to ease senior staff accommodation needs. 4. Construction of the New TEEZ Office Complex costs US$195,000 for office and commercial use. 5. Construction of the Providence TEEZ Lodge Conference Hall costs US$100,000.Look To The Future
We are what we are today because of your support. We will always endeavour to create value for your money in whatever form of donors and grants we receive hence our firm belief in our core values of ACTS.