From 2020 Theological Education by Extension in Zambia has been implementing its activities through program brands.The following are the current existing program brands:

CCDMZ (Church Capacity Development for Missions in Zambia)

CCDMZ encompassed all our Tutors’ Course. It was implemented in the districts of Kalabo, Chirundu, Mpika, Chinsali, Isoka, Nakonde, Kitwe and Mpongwe.
We managed to train and certify 175 Tutors.

Graduation Ceremony

CCTV (Church Community Transformation Ventures) in Prison Ministry

This program is meant to bring behavioral change among inmates in correctional facilities by providing training programs which will help inmates easily and purposely be integrated into the community with something they can offer to society upon completion of their sentences. 2021 saw the program implemented in three correctional facilities on the Copperbelt Province. These were Kamfinsa Correctional Facility (Kitwe District), Kansenshi Correctional Facility (Ndola District) and Chingola Correctional Facility (Chingola District). All the inmates and Chaplains/Correctional Officer were trained in the Tutors Course.

FAITH (Financing Appropriate Innovation Through Household) Economic Empowerment

  • FAITH Empowerment is the TEEZ’s Church Community Social Outreach Program. The focus of the program is financial inclusion for Churches.
  • FAITH continues to transform Church based savings groups.
  • In 2021 FAITH trainings were conducted in Mpongwe, Sesheke, Mumbwa, Ndola and Chirundu districts.
  • TEEZ empowerment congregation based savings groups with a FAITH Microfinance Revolving Fund amounting to K60,000.
  • 6 FAITH Saving Groups received K10, 000 each as Empowerment Funds to help members boost their businesses and improve their financial capacity.
  • The Empowerment Fund was paid back to TEEZ with a 10% interest over a period of three months in three equal instalments of K3, 666.00 per month.
  • All Six FAITH Savings Groups have complied fully with the terms and references of the Empowerment fund and have since repaid the loan.
  • Our 16 FAITH Saving Groups are undergoing a capacity building and mentoring process across the country.
  •  The 16 FAITH Saving Groups have a total monetary value of more than K1,000,000.00.

WISE (Wealth Integrated Stewardship of Environment) Green Church Initiative

The WISE Green Church is a project brand which started in 2017. It is based on an ecumenical focus aimed at creating awareness among the 9 TEEZ Member Churches on the care of creation and the sustainable use of resources for economic livelihood. Through the WISE Green Church Agroforestry program, TEEZ devised the objective to engage faith communities in practicing environmental stewardship to reduce the high rate of deforestation in the selected areas. The second objective of the project was to encourage participants to create new actions for improving environmental stewardship in their communities.


The WISE Green Church Project was rollout in the Ndola District of the Copperbelt Province in a low affluent compound of Chipulukusu by one of our WISE Environment ambassador.
Different trees and seedlings were distributed to four groups as follows: Chipulukusu Community of Christ Church, Tulina Yesu Saving Group, Bombesheni Saving Group and ZAMTAN Community of Christ Church.

The quantities of the trees were as follows:
120 Lemon Trees ,105 Jatropha , 60 Umbrella Trees , 60 Peas ,50 Pine Trees ,40 Moringa Trees , 40 Pawpaw , 40 Shade Flowers , 36 Guava Trees , 28 Twin Palms, 15 Cashew Nuts , 10 Cotton Trees , 10 Avocado Trees , 7 Katuka , 5 Bananas

Timothy Leadership Training

In 2017 TEEZ partnered with Timothy Leadership Training Institute in Grand Rapids, USA to promote this practical theology program.

TLT is a global program under the auspices of the Christian Reformed Church in North America. The 7 modules are Caring for God’s People, Christian Stewardship, From Harm to Harmony, Biblical Preaching, Teaching the Christian Faith, Praising God in Work and Worship and God’s Plan for Sustainable Development.

In 2021 we had 19 students graduating as Advanced Traniers /Facilitators in Ndola.  Currently TEEZ has more than 500 church leaders and members attending TLT in various modules.

Business Enterprise Development

This is a new model for TEEZ in promoting the Business Enterprise of Providence TEEZ Lodge.

The concept has now given birth to the long term TEEZ Business Corporation under the Conglomerate of TEAC (Theological Enterprise & Agribusiness Corporation). The formation of TEAC was approved by the Executive Committee and became effective in June 2021.

TEAC will have 6 subsidiary companies covering a diverse business models. This is a very ambitious business concept for a faith based organization.

BETTER Church & Society Project

Building Excellent Transformation Theological Education Resilience in Church & Society (BETTER Church & Society) is the newest program brand of TEEZ.
It was initiated to address the financial challenges that Reverends/Clergy/Ministers and their Spouses faced with the reality of COVID 19. This reality saw a drastic drop in congregation offerings and tithes (incomes).This drop has equally affected the clergy source of income for the salary (stipend).
COVID 19 has taught Churches lessons to diversify its sources of incomes than entirely depending on tithes and offerings because the Church lost members during the pandemic who contributed financially to its work of ministry.

TEEZ provided capacity development designed to create platform for engagement to come up with innovation of ministry amid COVID 19.External facilitators in the fields of Business Enterprises, Banking and Finance were engaged to help ministers and their spouses understand business and financial etiquettes.
In 2021 TEEZ conducted 2 trainings; with the first one in Kitwe (Providence TEEZ Lodge) and the second one in Livingstone (Woodlands Lodge).

Good Couples Campaign Against GBV

Women and girls make up 51% of the national population and the gross inequalities and inhuman conditions that they endure both as a result of multiple factors such as teenage pregnancies, child marriages, gender based violence and other harmful cultural traditional practices continue to suppress their freedoms and economic transformation. This has resulted in women suffering worst forms of neglect, abuse and gender inequality at household and community levels.
In some sections of society, girls are regarded as forms of prestige and wealth as they are destined for marriage so that the father benefits from some of form of wealth or livestock (cattle) as payment for the girl child’s.
In some areas according to the Zambia Police, an average of 50 people a day experience sexual gender based violence (SGBV). It is widely believed that many cases go unreported and the numbers keep going up.

It is becoming a common occurrence and every day thing to experience violence against women and girls. Every day a report of violence against women case either in rural or urban areas is mentioned.
The Good Couples Campaign is one of our Social Program which was first held in Ndola in 2018 has continued to impact families, churches and communities through awareness and training of GBV Combat Ambassadors. TEEZ conducted the Good Couples Campaign against Gender Based Violence in Mongu in the Western Province.
With the help of personnel from the Zambia Police, the capacity building focused on Gender Violence and Child Protection.


Discerning Exceptional Community Initiatives & Development for Empowerment in HIV/AIDS Ministry. This is a TEEZ HIV/AIDS initiative.

The brand focuses on behavior change communication strategies, care and support and capacity building for faith leaders and communities.
Under this program we supported 10 orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) school going children between grades 8-10.The support included school requisites (a pair of shoes, school bag, books and uniform).
Additionally TEEZ provided school fees for the whole year for the benefiting children of Almslow Community in Kitwe.